Her perception of the world was my reality – my TEDtalk

The first love in our lives is our mother. Recognizing her face, her voice, the meaning of her moods, and her facial expressions is crucial to survival. My mother had a Borderline Personality Disorder. She could, in a moment, change a calm afternoon to an out-of-control ride through an emotional tornado.

I had as a child and teenager the need to be able to be be seen, to be heard, to be connected, to be unique in a way my mother could not provide.

But her behavior made me flexibel, strong, sensitive but most of all she showed me that you have to look through the eyes of the other person. As I had to look through her eyes, because her perception was my reality.

She is one of the reasons why I became a listening professional in healthcare .

I’ve experienced through life that listening enriches the life of another human being. And those human beings enriched my life too…..

Please if you wake up tomorrow, choose to listen to someone….without assumptions and judgements. Just take a moment to really be there for the people in your life and connect.


What makes us get sick?

Rishi Manchanda has worked as a doctor in South Central Los Angeles for a decade, where he’s come to realize: His job isn’t just about treating a patient’s symptoms, but about getting to the root cause of what is making them ill—the “upstream” factors like a poor diet, a stressful job, a lack of fresh air. It’s a powerful call for doctors to pay attention to a patient’s life outside the exam room.

Human touch in healthcare

Medicine has grown significantly in its ability to diagnose and treat biological disease. Doctors can be proud of their ability to eradicate once fatal infections, prevent heart attacks and transplant failing organs.

Three innovations based on information technology—clinical practice guidelines, electronic medical records, and large-scale population science—will bring medicine into a new biological revolution.

But modern medicine is in danger of losing a powerful, old-fashioned tool: human touch. Physician and writer Abraham Verghese describes our strange new world where patients are merely data points, and calls for a return to the traditional one-on-one physical exam.

Distrust or bust – Tilman Andris

Ik was tijdens TEDxRadboudU actief onderdeel van een intelligente vorm van vermaak, die mij werd geboden door Tilman Andris. Een sympathieke filosoof met interesse voor cognitie, kennis, wetenschap en wetenschapsgeschiedenis die ook uitdrukking vindt in zijn optredens.

The magician lies – trusting him would be foolish. If we did, we would soon be led down the garden path. But distrust is no remedy for our predicament. Recognising the trickster for what he is, we still fall for his deceit – as long as our distrust does not extend to ourselves and our cognition. Luckily, for the trickster, it seldom does.

Whoever thinks that he knows what he sees and that things are as they seem, should watch a performance by Tilman Andris.
Tilman Andris studied philosophy at the University of Leiden and at the University of Oxford before becoming a professional magician.


Wil je iemand helpen? Hou je mond en luister!

Een prachtig en gepassioneerde talk. Luister naar iemand die je hulp nodig heeft in plaats van meteen met een oplossing te komen. Een talk die elke ondernemer zou willen zien.

De kracht van TED en TEDx

TEDx is een wereldwijde beweging van lokaal georganiseerde TED evenementen waarin sprekers hun toekomstvisies delen op het gebied van Technologie, Entertainment en Design.

Al twee jaar mag ik coremember zijn van het organisatieteam van TEDxMaastricht. Een unieke bijeenkomst over The Future of Health. TEDxMaastricht brengt zorgprofessionals samen in de breedste zin van het woord: patiënten, verzorgenden, verpleegkundigen, artsen, bestuurders, consultants en vele anderen met compassie voor de zorg. De voorbereidingen voor The Future of Health III in Nijmegen, februari 2013 zijn al weer gestart.
